World Water Monitoring Day – 18 September 2023 – Poster

Water is one of the most important and basic natural resources. Water is not only one of the most essential commodities of our day-to-day life, but the development of this natural resource also plays a crucial role in economic and social development processes. While the total amount of water available in the world is constant and is generally said to be adequate to meet all the demands of mankind, its quality and distribution over different regions of the world are uneven and cause problems of scarcity and suitability. It is therefore imperative that man develops, uses, and manages this scarce commodity as rationally and efficiently as possible. In order to execute this task, accurate and adequate information must be available about the quality of this natural resource under constantly changing human pressures and natural forces. Water quality monitoring is one of the first steps required in the rational development and management of water resources. In the field of water quality management, there has been a steady evolution in procedures for designing systems to obtain information on the changes in water quality. The monitoring comprises all activities to obtain information with respect to the water system.