Category: Posters

World Turtle Day – 23 May 2024 – Poster

World Turtle Day is celebrated each year on May 23rd since the year 2000. The celebration was proposed by the American Tortoise Rescue Organization. The day is celebrated to focus on turtles and increment...

World Bee Day – 20 May 2024 – Poster

World Bee Day is observed every year to raise awareness on the essential roles bees and other pollinators play in keeping people and the planet healthy. This day has been celebrating since 2018.

World Migratory Bird Day – 11 May 2024 – Poster

World Migratory Bird Day is an annual global campaign aimed at raising awareness about the conservation of migratory birds and their habitats. It highlights the importance of international cooperation to protect migratory bird species...

Earth Day – 22 April 2024 – Poster

The purpose of Earth Day is to encourage individuals, communities, governments, and organizations to take action to address pressing environmental issues, such as climate change, pollution, deforestation, and habitat destruction. It serves as a...

World Heritage Day – 18 April 2024 – Poster

Heritage refers to the cultural, historical, and natural assets inherited from past generations, which are preserved and passed down to future generations. It encompasses tangible elements such as monuments, buildings, artifacts, and landscapes, as...

World Health Day – 7 April 2024 – Poster

World Health Day, observed annually on April 7th, marks the founding of the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1948. The idea for World Health Day originated at the First Health Assembly in 1948, where...

World Meteorological Day – 23 March 2024 – Poster

Every 23 March, the World Meteorological Organization commemorates the coming into force of the Convention establishing the World Meteorological Organization on 23 March 1950. It showcases the essential contribution of National Meteorological and Hydrological...

World Water Day – 22 March 2024 – Poster

World Water Day is observed on 22nd March, it serves as a poignant reminder of the critical importance of freshwater resources in sustaining life, supporting ecosystems, and driving socio-economic development. Against the backdrop of...